Monday, August 30, 2010

What can I say...I had need of the sky

"I am sick of four walls and a ceiling.  I have need of the sky; I have business with the grass." - Richard Hovey, American writer/poet.

When I flipped my office calendar to the month of May I found this wonderful thought.  It struck a chord with me because I very often feel that way.  So, I decided it was time to take my business to Mt. St Helens.  I had never been there.  Friday the 13th seemed like the perfect day to climb an active volcano.  Turns out is was perfect - clear and warm, with a slight breeze.  Well, there was a stronge wind at the top but that is typical of the crater rim.  The views were amazing. Thought I would share a couple pictures here.  Training with a view...doesn't get much better thant this. :-)

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