Wednesday, August 11, 2010

8/7 Week 2 - "It matters to this one."

Our second practice was along the waterfront at Ruston Way. At the beginning of practice there is a Mission Moment where someone shares a thought or experience related to the mission of TNT. Jason and Anna shared their experience with a man they honored as they participated in their first event with TNT. I don't know, maybe it was being by the water but I thought of the Starfish Story. You've probably heard it - a young boy is trying to save starfish by throwing them back into the ocean. A man walking along the beach tells him "There are too many, it doesn't matter" The boy picks up another starfish and tosses it into the surf, "It matters to this one." That's what I'm trying to do. I can't possibly touch the life of everyone affected by cancer. But I CAN make a difference. You can too. Life is good.
If you haven't heard the Starfish Story here is a link to youtube video:

And...drumroll please. Our schedule this week was 25 minutes or to the turnaround point out and back.  Well, I was feeling pretty good when I made the turnaround point in just over 20 minutes.  I did 4 miles in 44 minutes.  Whooo hooo!

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